About US

From more than 15 years of experience in developing virtual worlds and 3D games, beginning with the development of Ubermall, Thailand's first commercial virtual world in 2011, together with other virtual world projects we have run in the past. This gives us the confidence to declare that we have knowledge and experience in this field that no one else does.

From more than 15 years of experience in developing virtual worlds and 3D games, beginning with the development of Ubermall, Thailand's first commercial virtual world in 2011, together with other virtual world projects we have run in the past. This gives us the confidence to declare that we have knowledge and experience in this field that no one else does.

Furthermore, we offer a specific game design service to have a playing mechanic or a special activity for Business Partners who want to increase player engagement with the product by using Gamification and Game mechanics to help, which is the source of the Metapolis project.

We promise to use our knowledge and experience in the virtual world business for over 15 years to develop the Metapolis project into Thailand's most comprehensive Metaverse.


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